domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012

Information Literacy and Media Literacy

Media literacy (ML) and information literacy (IL) practically look the same, it is not easy to observe the difference. For from what I’ve learn during these days and based on the UNESCO reading, IL is the ability of the individual to seek, evaluate and make ethical use of the information, is an acquired capacity to understand different sources that could include ML. In the other hand ML in the way the individual is immerse in a continuous exposure of information, but if “processed” under the umbrella of IL the individual can as well evaluate and make ethical use of it.

IL is an objective view and ML is the way the individual process it through it different sources, is more focused in the self-expression and the personal engagement to it so it would be more subjective. ML must consider and discern the information based on the source it comes from. IL is broader, is kind of an approach to information regardless the impact or relationship of the source to the individual.

Ultimately both of them are based and focused in the whole process of looking for, processes and communication information and the ethical use if it is also common for both of them.

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