lunes, 30 de abril de 2012

Pre assignment 8: How educators need to adapt their teaching methods to become real 21st Century educators

         After watching the video  Did You Know?Did you know? and Above and beyond It is clear to me that as teachers we need to adapt our teaching as quickly as possible as not to loose the path before we get outdated by the tempestuous growth of technology. Also it is clear that we need to help our student to think “out of the box” and to  work collaboratively

         In present days, technology is growing at an amazing speed and it is accessible to more people daily. The data presented in the video is overwhelming and it makes you feel in a car race where you do not want to be an spectator but a driver. In order to enter to that race it is very important to have technology skills but more than that, to be aware of whom our students are and the resources they have at hand. The gap between our students and ourselves is going to be bigger and bigger if we do not embrace technology as a daily routine in our teaching.

      Also, and  more important, is the fact that we need to help our students to think “out of the box”, to be creative, so they do not get lost in that huge universe of competitiveness that’ll face in the near future. It resonated to be the image were all students were receiving the same box with the same instructions and they all created the same product except the one who was as brave as to think creatively, work with a peer that could help her and made something new, unique. Are we giving all our students the same boxes? Are we expecting them to produce the same results? Why not giving them different boxes and expect different results with the  help of technology?

      As a personal reflection I need to say that after seeing the third video Why Mobile Learning?  that shows how the I-pads can help students with special needs to communicate, I feel speechless about anything else! If I-Pads or any other device can give a voice to the ones with a difficult to express themselves, anything else is not as important… 

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